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  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable Destination - what does it mean for you company?
Håøya naturverksted

Sustainable destination - what does it mean for your business?

There is increased interest in sustainable tourism, and more and more visitors are choosing destinations that work with sustainability.

It is important that we facilitate tourism that enriches our local communities and does not destroy it for future generations. Visitors also want personalized and local experiences.

Studies show that four out of ten guests investigate whether the destination or business works with sustainability. Therefore, sustainability is also a competitive advantage when guests choose which destination they want to visit.

We are now working for both Frogn and Asker municipalities to achieve Innovation Norway’s Sustainable Destination Label.

What does this mean for your business?

The fact that the destinations Frogn and Asker are working to achieve Innovation Norway’s Sustainable Destination Label is good for your business. When the destinations are labeled, it means more visibility on Visit Norway and with Innovation Norway, and contributes to the destinations gaining a positive reputation both in Norway and internationally, which in turn can mean that more guests visit your business.

If your tourism business chooses to work with sustainability, you will appear more attractive to new guests and can give visitors to the destinations a better and more sustainable experience.

How can your business contribute?

Tourism businesses can contribute to sustainability efforts in several ways. You can work with sustainability in your own business, become environmentally certified, work for local employment, status and pride in tourism, and use local products and raw materials.

It is also important to be a good host, help guests make good choices, and communicate sustainable experiences to visitors.

If you need advice and tips for your sustainability work, please feel free to contact us.